An algorithmic trading system completely written in C++
Public Member Functions | List of all members
ats::MarketData Class Reference

Handles the streaming of market data for the trading system. More...

#include <MarketData.h>

Public Member Functions

 MarketData (ExchangeManager &ems, time_t updateInterval=1)
 Constructs a new MarketData object. More...
 ~MarketData ()
 Destroys the MarketData object.
 MarketData (const std::vector< std::string > &symbols, ExchangeManager &ems, time_t updateInterval=1)
 Constructs a new MarketData object. More...
void start ()
 Starts the market data stream.
void run ()
 Runs the market data stream.
void stop ()
 Stops the market data stream.
bool isRunning ()
 Checks whether the market data stream is running. More...
void subscribe (const std::string &symbol, std::string interval="3m")
 Subscribes to a symbol for market data. More...
void unsubscribe (const std::string &symbol)
 Unsubscribes from a symbol for market data. More...
double getPrice (const std::string &symbol)
 Retrieves the current price for a symbol. More...
std::vector< double > getPrices (const std::string &symbol)
 Returns prices recorded for a symbol. More...
std::vector< TradegetTradeHistory (const std::string &symbol)
 Returns trade history for a symbol. More...
double getQtyForPrice (const std::string &symbol, double price)
 Retrieves the quantity for a given price and symbol. More...
std::map< std::string, double > getBalances ()
 Retrives user's balances. More...
std::string getOrderStatus (long id, const std::string &symbol)
 Retrieves order status. More...
OrderBook getOrderBook (const std::string &symbol)
 Retrieves the OrderBook. More...
Klines getKlines (const std::string &symbol, const std::string &interval)
 Retrieves Kline data. More...

Detailed Description

Handles the streaming of market data for the trading system.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MarketData() [1/2]

ats::MarketData::MarketData ( ExchangeManager ems,
time_t  updateInterval = 1 

Constructs a new MarketData object.

emsA reference to the ExchangeManager object used to retrieve market data.
updateIntervalThe interval between updates of local data, defaults to 1s.

◆ MarketData() [2/2]

ats::MarketData::MarketData ( const std::vector< std::string > &  symbols,
ExchangeManager ems,
time_t  updateInterval = 1 

Constructs a new MarketData object.

symbolsA vector of symbols to subscribe to for market data.
emsA reference to the ExchangeManager object used to retrieve market data.
updateIntervalThe interval between updates of local data, defaults to 1s.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getBalances()

std::map< std::string, double > ats::MarketData::getBalances ( )

Retrives user's balances.

Map of pairs {asset, balance}.

◆ getKlines()

Klines ats::MarketData::getKlines ( const std::string &  symbol,
const std::string &  interval 

Retrieves Kline data.

symbolSymbol for which to get the Kline data.
intervalInterval for the Klines.
The requested Kline data.

◆ getOrderBook()

OrderBook ats::MarketData::getOrderBook ( const std::string &  symbol)

Retrieves the OrderBook.

symbolSymbol for which to get the order book.
Current OrderBook.

◆ getOrderStatus()

std::string ats::MarketData::getOrderStatus ( long  id,
const std::string &  symbol 

Retrieves order status.

IdClient-side order Id.
Order status

◆ getPrice()

double ats::MarketData::getPrice ( const std::string &  symbol)

Retrieves the current price for a symbol.

symbolThe symbol to retrieve the price for.
The current price for the symbol.

◆ getPrices()

std::vector< double > ats::MarketData::getPrices ( const std::string &  symbol)

Returns prices recorded for a symbol.

symbolThe symbol to retrieve the prices for.
The vector of prices recorded.

◆ getQtyForPrice()

double ats::MarketData::getQtyForPrice ( const std::string &  symbol,
double  price 

Retrieves the quantity for a given price and symbol.

symbolThe symbol to retrieve the quantity for.
priceThe price to retrieve the quantity for.
The quantity for the given price and symbol.

◆ getTradeHistory()

std::vector< Trade > ats::MarketData::getTradeHistory ( const std::string &  symbol)

Returns trade history for a symbol.

symbolThe symbol to retrieve the history for.
The vector of trades.

◆ isRunning()

bool ats::MarketData::isRunning ( )

Checks whether the market data stream is running.

True if the market data stream is running, false otherwise.

◆ subscribe()

void ats::MarketData::subscribe ( const std::string &  symbol,
std::string  interval = "3m" 

Subscribes to a symbol for market data.

symbolThe symbol to subscribe to.
intervalThe interval for the Kline we want to subscribe to

◆ unsubscribe()

void ats::MarketData::unsubscribe ( const std::string &  symbol)

Unsubscribes from a symbol for market data.

symbolThe symbol to unsubscribe from.

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